Cleaning Wizard

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Product Details

Makes cleaning easier and faster! non-toxic, unscented, natural ingredients. Melts soap film, grime, and grease on contact. Perfect for stove tops, countertops, fridge, all appliances, cabinets, floors, sinks, tubs…….try it on stains on clothes before laundering. Including a cute froggy scubbing sponge! (colors vary)

Directions: Wet sponge and partially squeeze excess water out. Apply sponge to gelled paste and wipe around to apply cleaner to it. Wipe area to be cleaned. Use the scrubby side for burned on matter on stove top or oven. If heavily soiled let sit for a few minutes, adding a bit more water if necessary. Rinse sponge or use clean wet cloth to wipe off, and polish with a dry cloth if desired. If unsure of colorfastness on upholstery or carpet or garment, check in an inconspicuous area first.

ingredients: Soap, borax, sodium carbonate.

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